Thursday, April 17, 2014

bigger is better

This is another piece of work that took over a year to work on and I'm still not complete. I've come to really find the humor in this piece and it's become a running, inside joke between my friends and me. I started Big Rachel, as I affectionately call her, last March simply because I wanted to do a larger than life self portrait. Contrary to popular belief (REESE, CAMERON, MADISON, REGAN) I didn't paint her because I love myself SO MUCH, I did it because I'm what I know best and can accurately portray myself artistically.
her neck is always a work in progress 

i'm so fancy

this piece has been a work in progress for about a year now. I started this for set design and then went back a year later a renovated it. I loosely outlined the suitcase with white pencil chalk to give a very ghostly, electrifying feel of having been used and worn out on many adventures.

Monday, April 7, 2014


Anyone who knows me personally can tell you that I love photography. A quick journey through my instagram feed will confirm that. My pictures are posed and rarely candid and typically reflect and idea or notion that's been floating around in my head for awhile.

here are two examples:

Thursday, February 20, 2014

dimelo por que estas

Here's a piece I've been working on over the last couple of weeks. I call it "Big Bang" due to cosmically obvious reasons and it was conceived as a means to soothe my need for aesthetically pleasing pieces but also pieces that have a deeper meaning than "hey, that's a moon phase!" I drew inspirations for it from earless extraordinaire Van Gogh, the ever beautiful piano piece "La Clair de Lune", Oscar nominated short film "La Lune", the color blue, my infrequent insomnia, and my desperation for peace.

in true gen. y fashion-the selfie 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Pop culture

In running with the stimulus theme I've chosen a piece that reflects one of my favorite topics-pop culture! Yes, pop art can be overdone and lame but it can also be culturally relevant and fun to view and create. This is a piece by Doug Bleggi depicting one of my favorite shows of all time-the under appreciated "Arrested Development".


Friday, January 17, 2014


recently i have been researching and studying graffiti, particularly LA based graffiti art. i've always found this type of painting/drawing/creating to be extremely interesting and surprisingly thought provoking. some of my favorites include

this bottom artist is from english artist banksy. not la based but nonetheless still great

Friday, January 10, 2014


My objective that I will be exploring over the next few months will be stimuli and circumstances and the art that comes from it. One easy and obvious example of this is 9/11. The actions and the subsequent emotions produced a number of songs, movies, and pieces of art. While some were meant to manipulate emotion, most were made from emotion, namely confusion, grief, and loss.